軽井沢で学ぶ建築デザイン [近代建築デザイン講義] 2018
海外の歴史的建造物保存動向を考える -日本のモダニズム建築をどう見るか-


アナ・トストエス Ana Tostões

ポルトガル・リスボン生まれ。建築家、建築史家、Docomomo International 会長、Docomomoジャーナル編集者。リスボン工科大学教授(建築史、建築理論、建築文化研究)。2012年より建築博士号プログラムの主管。
建築学(ESBAL,1982)芸術史修士(UNL,1994)学位論文Os Verdes Anos na Arquitectura Portuguesa dos Anos 50 (FAUP Ed., 1997)、近代建築学博士(Idade Maior, FAUP Ed., 2015, awarded the BIAU Prize 2016).
欧州、アジア、アフリカ、アメリカ文化の相互関係に見る現代建築史と理論を研究し、数々の論文、出版物、展覧会を手がける他、数々の調査研究プロジェクト、修士号・博士号論文等の指導、様々な委員会等の審査員や世界各国・大学での講義を行う。サハラ以南のアフリカ建築を中心に近代建築の世界的な拡がりや関わりを調査研究した著書でAPH Gulbenkian2014賞を受賞。
近年、医療施設に関する調査研究プロジェクト“CuCa_RE: Cure and Care_the rehabilitation”を主導している。ポルトガル建築家協会、International Association of Art Criticsポルトガル支部の副会長を務める。
Born in Lisbon, Portugal. She is an architect, architecture critic and historian, and is the president of Docomomo International and Editor of the Docomomo Journal. She is a Full Professor at Técnico, University of Lisbon, where she teaches Theory of Architecture and Critical History, and coordinates the Architectonic Culture research group. Since 2012, she has been in charge of the Architectural PhD programme. She has been invited a visiting professor at universities worldwide.
She has a degree in Architecture (ESBAL, 1982), a Master’s degree in History of Art (UNL, 1994) with a thesis entitled Os Verdes Anos na Arquitectura Portuguesa dos Anos 50 (FAUP Ed., 1997) and holds a PhD (IST-UL, 2003) on culture and technology in Modern Architecture (Idade Maior, FAUP Ed., 2015, awarded the BIAU Prize 2016).
Her research field is the Critical History and Theory of Contemporary Architecture, focusing on the relationship between European, Asian, African and American cultures. With respect to this topic, she has published books and essays, curated exhibitions and organised scientific events. She has also coordinated research projects, supervised PhD and MSc theses, taken part in juries and committees, and given lectures worldwide.
She coordinated the research project Exchanging World Visions focused on Sub-Sahara African architecture during the Modern Movement period, which was published and awarded the APH Gulbenkian Prize 2014. She currently coordinates the research project “CuCa_RE: Cure and Care_the rehabilitation”, focused on healthcare facilities.
Tostões has been the vice-president of the Portuguese Chamber of Architects and the Portuguese section of the International Association of Art Critics.

森 俊子 Toshiko Mori

神戸市生まれ。クーパーユニオン大学建築学科卒業、ハーバード大学名誉学位。現在ハーバード大学院教授。ニューヨーク市でトシコモリ建築事務所経営。現在ブルックリン公共図書館やバッファロー植物園のマスタープランの他、ライト、ルドルフ、ブロイヤーの建築修復及び増築。セネガルのスレッドプロジェクトが2018年度タイム誌の世界で100のgreatest places に選出。受賞はニューヨーク建築協会の名誉メダル、アメリカ建築教育協会のゴールドメダルなど。アメリカ芸術科学アカデミー会員に選出。ダボス会議フューチャーカウンシル会員、世界遺跡財団モダーンセンチュリー委員会会員。
Born in Kobe Japan, she is a graduate of Cooper Union Irwin S. Chanin School of Architecture and holds an honorary masters degree from Harvard University Graduate School of Design. She is Robert P. Hubbard Professor in the Practice of Architecture at Harvard Graduate School of Design . She is the founder and principal of Toshiko Mori Architect PLLC in New York City and current projects include Master Plans for historical Brooklyn Public Library and Buffalo Botanical Gardens. She has worked on renovation , restoration and addition of Frank Lloyd Wright, Marcel Breuer and Paul Rudolf buildings. Thread project in Senegal was named as one of 2018 100 Greatest Places by TIME magazine. Awards include Medal of Honor by AIANY, ACSA Gold Medal , Academy Award from American Academy of Arts and Letters, inducted to American Academy of Arts and Science . She is a member of World Economic Forum Future Council, and a member of Modern Century Committee of World Monument Fund

ケン・タダシ・オオシマ Ken Tadashi Oshima

ワシントン大学教授。 著書・共書に『Kiyonori Kikutake Between Land and Sea』 (Lars Müller 2015)『グローバル・エンズ:始まりに向けて』(TOTO出版2012)『Arata Isozaki』(Phaidon 2009)『International Architecture in Interwar Japan: Constructing Kokusai Kenchiku』(University of Washington Press 2009) 。「建築の日本展:その遺伝子のもたらすもの」(森美術館 2018)「Frank Lloyd Wright at 150」(MoMA2017)キュレーション等。建築史協会(S.A.H.)の理事長 (2016-18) 。
Ken Tadashi Oshima is Professor of Architecture, University of Washington, Seattle. His publications include Kiyonori Kikutake: Between Land and Sea (2016), GLOBAL ENDS: towards the beginning (2012), International Architecture in Interwar Japan (2009) and Arata Isozaki (2009). He co-curated “Japan in Architecture, Mori Museum, 2018) and “Frank Lloyd Wright at 150” (MoMA, 2017). He served as President of the Society of Architectural Historians (2016-18).

松隈 洋 Hiroshi Matsukuma

兵庫県生まれ。1980年京都大学工学部建築家卒業後、前川國男建築設計事務所入所。2000年4月に京都工芸繊維大学助教授、8年10月より同教授。工学博士(東京大学)。専門は近代建築史、建築設計論。DOCOMOMO Japan代表(2013〜18)、文化庁国立近現代建築資料館運営委員。著書に『近代建築を記憶する』(2005年建築資料研究社)、『坂倉準三とはだれか』(2011年王国社)、『残すべき建築』(2013年誠文堂新光社)、『建築の前夜-前川國男論』(2016年みすず書房)など多数。
Born in Hyogo Prefecture in 1957. After graduating from Kyoto University, he joined the architectural office of Maekawa Kunio. In April 2000 he became an assistant professor at Kyoto Institute of Technology, and professor in October 2008. He hold a Ph.D. in engineering from the University of Tokyo. He is a specialist in the history of Modern architecture and architectural design theory.
He served as chair of DOCOMOMO Japan (2013-2018) , and as a member of the steering committee of the National Archives of Modern Architecture of the Agency Cultural Affairs.
His publications include