吉村順三の建築 アトリエ山荘特別公開
Wakita Museum of Art is situated in the Kyu Karuizawaarea. The a telier villa of Kazu Wakita, a djacent to themuseum, is a villa house known as Japanese modernist architecture, which was built in 1970 by Junzo Yoshimura, a friend of Kazu Wakita.
Since its opening in 1991, the museum has advocated various forms of art, and has continued to act as a base for exchange and transmission of art.
We would like to provide, for this purpose, opportunities so that more people will have a c hance to think about“architecture” and experience art, and we will continue to maintain and preserve the Atelier Villa. Anyone interested in the tour can participate.
2024年11月16日(土)、17日(日)、19日(火)、22日(金) | 13時30分〜 14時30分〜 |
主催 | 脇田美術館 |
定員 | 各会10名(場合によっては12名まで) ※予約申込は定員になりしだい終了させていただきますのでご了承願います。 |
参加費用 | 3,500 円(税込)冊子付 ※美術館内もご覧いただけます。 |
お申込み | お申し込み方法はコチラ |
アクセス | ・ 電車 長野新幹線・しなの鉄道「軽井沢駅」下車 旧軽井沢銀座方面へ徒歩10分 ・ 車 上信越道「碓氷軽井沢インター」から国道18号線を旧軽井沢方面へ約10km |
所在地 | 〒389-0102 長野県北佐久郡軽井沢町旧道1570-4 アクセスマップはコチラ |
電話番号 | 0267-42-2639 |
2024 Nov. 16 (Sat) , 17(Sun), 19(Tue), 22(Fri) | 13:30〜 14:30〜 |
Event | Architecture Workshop Atelier Tour Week |
Schedule date | 2024 Nov. 16 (Sat) , 17(Sun), 19(Tue), 22(Fri) |
Venue | Wakita Museum of Art 1507-4, Kyu Karuizawa, Nagano Prefecture |
Capacity | Each group will have a capacity of 10 people (Up to 12 people in some cases) ※Please note that the reservation application will be completed as soon as the capacity is reached. |
Participation fee | ¥3,500(including tax) with a booklet ※You can also see inside the museum. |
Application for participation |
more information |